Jeff Doubét stops in at a high-end Montecito CA. home under construction to photograph a team of experts applying drywall mud to a large interior Spanish arch. Continue to scroll to see how this talented crew handcrafts the thick archway using specialty tools of their trade.
Framing the shot: For context, here is the entry foyer during the framing stage of the project.
Thick, non-structural decorative archways such as this are typically framed using structural plywood and 2 x 4 framing in between. Check with your architect and general contractor for specific construction details for your project.
A few weeks after the framing was completed I stopped in to see the progress. The drywall was installed, and the mudding of the focal point decorative Spanish arch had begun.
Spanish Arch Drywall Mudding Tips
To ensure the quality of their work, one technique the experts use is to mud individual sections of a wall and ceiling.
I have done a lot of drywall work in my life and can say it is both an artistic craft, as well as a physical sport. It requires excellent hand eye coordination, balance, strength and stamina. It is a skilled trade for real go-getters. Lazy folk need not apply.
Famous Features of High-end Spanish Homes: How they are Made
Glossy magazine articles about high-end Spanish home interiors often feature photography of arched passageways that frame beautiful focal points, beyond.
The shapes and curves within a well crafted Spanish home interior are often viewed as art. Most drywall teams on large projects work in coordination with one another.
The cadence and choreography of moves these drywall teams make is mesmerizing to watch. Once the material sets up, it will no longer be workable. Time is of the essence!
More Process Photos: How Spanish Arches are Handcrafted
This drywall expert spritzes a fine mist of water on the drywall mud that is quickly curing. The technique helps him manage and control the mud as he trowels it into the decorative finish the homeowner has requested.
These successful techniques and processes for applying and working with wet drywall mud have been honed over time. Many have been handed down from one generation to the next.
The Artisan shown above is featured in my Coffee Table Book.
More interesting photos inside a Spanish house Under Construction
I wanted to share a couple more images of this Spanish Colonial Revival interior, as it is being built.
This is a view through a completed archway at the other end of the entry foyer. When designing your own project, think about how you might incorporate a thick arch like this. Maybe your project will be in a magazine someday.
As the expert drywall Artisans focus on putting the finishing details on this interior, you can see why the homeowners were so happy with their efforts.
Well friend, this wraps another site visit episode in beautiful Montecito, CA. I hope you enjoyed learning how to infuse more Santa Barbara Style into your own Spanish home design project with interior arches. Scroll to explore more helpful links and resources for designing and building your own Spanish-style home and landscape.