The goal of the Creating Spanish Style Homes website is to provide a positive + uplifting perspective for the matchless gifts + talents unique to each reader. Sincerely, Jeff Doubét
I wanted to share with you four special pages out of my 240 page coffee table book. Two are at the beginning… and two in the back. Please consider them bookmarks for the creative content flowing throughout the Creating Spanish Style Homes book, website and blog.

At the beginning, I wanted to include a Webster dictionary definition of the word CREATE.

On Page 5, I dedicate the book to my wife Lori. Lori is someone who is beautiful both inside and out. She has been there for me day in and day out- ever since we met and got married in 1988.

On page 236 I write about the struggle I had while coming up with a beginning and ending for my book. It had been 5+ years since Lori had a revelation and vision for me to write this book.
Then it hit me… a creative moment that felt just right. I faced my fears and wrote a few final personal notes. I wanted to share with you how I find inspiration for my creative endeavors, and to give praise, honor and glory to my Creator.

On Page 237 I share several uplifting scripture verses. Timeless truths that can provide encouragement to all.
We are Created to do Great Things
“We are each wonderfully and beautifully custom-made. All those special things we are innately born to be, do and express- Our best is already within us… There are no two of us alike”.
Jeff Doubet May 13, 2017
a Jeff Doubet quote and excerpt from the book Creating Spanish Style Homes (page 237 of 240)

If you are discouraged right now, I hope you will take a few moments to consider the bible promises, above. They are special reminders to me when I am having a bad day. AND on the flip side… when I am feeling great, and creating something new!
The views and opinions represented on this website belong solely to Jeff Doubét and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that Design by Doubét, LLC or Jeff Doubét may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions by Jeff are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.