Jeff Doubét takes you behind the scenes to a Spanish grille installation. A Santa Barbara Spanish-style home remodel where a 2″ thick cement window grille is being prepped for installation. An Artisan builder checks the level on the cement Spanish grille he is positioning in the window opening. Getting it just right before he permanently secures it to the wall.
Days earlier, the custom designed Spanish grille had arrived safely- packed in a wooden crate and surrounded by foam.
I placed my (11″ x 13″) coffee table book on top, just to give you a reference for how it was delivered.
Spanish Grille Finish Detailing: What to Expect
As you can see in crate packaging photo above, the Spanish window grille is delivered as a rough cast concrete part. If you look close you can see a chip board texture in the cement finish. Chip board was used as a temporary mold to cast the cement part.
Steps For Plastering A Spanish Grille (Before Installing It in a Window opening)
I happened in on the Santa Barbara Spanish home remodeling project while the Artisans were prepping the cement window grille for installation. As shown in these action photos below, the windo grille is being partially finished with stucco before it is installed.
ABOVE: The Artisan applies a first coat of plaster on the backside of the Spanish window grille. It is much easier to work on the stucco finish details while the grille rests flat on a table. Once it is installed vertically in a small window opening, it is much harder to do.
Here the Artisans refine the exterior plaster by using inexpensive paint brushes and steel trowels. As the cement stucco begins to harden up, the trowels are used to press and work the stucco into a smoother finish.
In these images, the guys are making sure the grille is level before committing to the final attachment.
I plan to update this post with more process photos. I have been side-tracked on some other things, but will eventually build out this page like many of the other longer posts on the site.
A Few Technical Tips for Installing an Exterior Spanish Grille
While planning your own beautiful Santa Barbara style Spanish window grille, be sure to plan for it’s functionality as well.
In this completed AFTER photo, you can see three thin slotted holes. These slots allow the rain that makes it way through the open diamond grid- to drain properly out the bottom.
*Stay Tuned. Consider this page UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I will be updating it with many more photos, and additional tips for building a Spanish window grille into a project. See other Spanish grille projects I have photographed at my Santa Barbara Home Design projects.
Well friend, this wraps a very abbreviated site visit episode to a project in beautiful Santa Barbara, CA. Please scroll to explore helpful links and resources for designing and building your own Spanish-style home and landscape.